Carl Waldspurger

I am a computer scientist in the systems area, currently working as an independent consultant and technical advisor. I enjoy collaborating with founders and engineering teams at startups, as well as contributing to research and development projects at larger companies.

My research interests include resource management, caching, virtualization, operating systems, computer architecture, and security. I have served as program chair for the USENIX ATC, FAST, and VEE conferences, and I recently served on the program committees for ASPLOS '25 and FAST '24.

I was previously a Principal Engineer at VMware, where I was responsible for core resource management and virtualization technologies. I led the design and implementation of processor scheduling, memory management, and NUMA scheduling for the ESX hypervisor. I was also the architect and tech lead for VMware's Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS).

Before that, I was a researcher at the DEC/Compaq Systems Research Center in Palo Alto, where I developed profiling tools and low-power handheld computers. As a graduate student at MIT, I conducted research on computational resource management, multithreaded computer architectures, and parallel and distributed systems.

Most of my publications are available from my research page (and Google Scholar).

I'm married to Paige Parsons, a professional rock concert photographer. We live in Palo Alto with our children and house rabbits.

Carl Waldspurger